Saturday, May 21, 2011

Step Three Letter to Student Nurses 5/21/11

Dear Nursing Students,

I am writing you this letter to give you some encouragement and hope for evolved technology for professional nursing education's future. Recently in my master's in nursing education program I took a computer class known as Nursing Infomatics, which was completely online. Infomatics is quite a challenge for me as nursing education faculty, because as I learned of my own computer deficits , I also saw that other students in my class had varying levels of computer knowledge, too. We, as students had to do a group project that was completely online. This online computer project was done using power point that was not only visual, but narrated and recorded.  I have to say, this was a great experience because if one of us did not know how to do something, others in the group helped get us through our knowledge deficits.  We as a group had meetings weekly, on skype.  Skype, if you do not know is a way for you to contact one or a group of people via the internet.  I liked Skyping because you could see the people you were talking to, via the web camera.

In the age of evolving computer technologies nursing education is lucky to have knowledgeable nurses who are able to teach nursing infomatics, so that we as a nursing profession can keep up with the rest of the worldly professions!!!!!   I am including the power point for you to view as an example.  Good luck in your nursing Infomatics future !!!!!

Christina Ulrich Nursing Instructor


1 comment:

  1. Christina,

    A very inspiring letter! For consideration: if you want to share an audio powerpoint, you could upload it to Vimeo and then embed it in your Blog.
